
Biographies & Memoirs

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21 Siddeshwari Lane : Memories from 1954 to 1969
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21 Siddheshwari Lane is about the hundred- year old house where the author has grown up from childho..
Bittersweet Victory A Freedom Fighters Tale
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Nineteen seventy-one left an indelible impression on all Bengalis as indiscriminate massacre, destru..
From the Horse’s Mouth 1965-2000: Memoir of a bureaucrat in Pakistan and Bangladesh
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The third volume of the author's memoir takes the readers to a kaleidoscope of his career as acivil ..
Incomparable Sachin Dev Burman
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This is a book of love, for music and a special person who was an icon in the industry.SD Burman was..
My Life in Melodies
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Abbasuddin Ahmed is a legendary name in undivided Bengal, which includes West Bengal of India and er..
The Last Guardian: Memoirs of Hatch-Barnwell, ICS of Bengal
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Stephen Hatch-Barnwell’s (1909-1989) Tour of Duty as ICS (Indian Civil Service) in Bengal (1933-1947..
Through Moments in History : Memoirs of Two Decades of Intellectual and Social Life (1970-1990)
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The final part recounts the author’s struggle and successes, after he was thrown in exile in the las..
একাত্তরের স্মৃতি
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লেখিকা প্রত্যক্ষ করেছেন পঁচিশে মার্চের ভয়াল রাত, গুলিতে আহত স্বামীর মৃত্যু। পরবর্তী ন’মাস লড়াই করে..
বাংলাদেশে বামপন্থী রাজনীতি : মওলানা ভাসানী ও বেহাত বিপ্লব | Bangladeshe Bamponthi Rajnieeti : Mowlana Bhasani O Behat Biplob
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রাজনীতিতে ডান বামের প্রত্যয়ের উদ্ভব ফরাসি বিপ্লবের সময় থেকে । ফরাসি বিপ্লব হয়েছিল ১৭৮৯ সালে । বিশ..