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An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
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The incidence of armed conflict in human society is as pervasive as the wish for peace is universal...
Bangladesh Economic Review-2011
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'Bangladesh Economic Review', is an important publication of the Finance Division. It highlights the..
Bangladesh: A Study of the Democratic Regimes
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Bangladesh: A Study of the Democratic Regimes is the author’s fifth book on the politics of Banglade..
Bangladesh: History, Politics, Economy, Society and Culture Essays in Honour of Professor Alamgir Muhammad Serajuddin
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This book consists of thirty diverse papers by leading scholars covering such varied themes as histo..
Bangladesh: Landscapes, Soil Fertility and Climate Change
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This book aims to puncture two popular myths: that Bangladesh is a flat alluvial plain where soil fe..
Changing Nature of Forced Migration: Vulnerabilities and Responsibilities in South and South-East Asia
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Protracted conflicts, unequal burden sharing, climate change, globalization, and shifting policies r..
Civil Service Management in Bangladesh An Agenda for Policy Refrom
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The study is a pioneering attempt on civil service management in Bangladesh. The study is a unique b..
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Emerging Economies: The Case of Bangladesh
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This book is an outcome of a study on corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and their co..
Corruption Its Control and Drivers of Change the Case of Bangladesh
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In this book Professor Nurul Islam has examined the impact of corruption on growth and equity in the..
Crafted by History An Interpretive Review of the Emergence of Bangladesh
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This is an unconventional interpretive review of the struggle for democratic rights in the history o..
Dhaka: An Urban Reader
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Dhaka is one of the world's megacities, yet relentless traffic, environmental deterioration, and poo..
Driving Development: A Story of BRAC's Evolution and Effectiveness
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Bangladesh can duly boast of the status of “Development Puzzle”. The country sustained economic grow..
Economic Geography of Bangladesh
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This book is meant to he both a text for university students and a reference for professionals. As i..
Evolving Security Discourse in Sri Lanka: From National Security to Human Security
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Sri Lanka at independence in 1948 was an oasis of stability, peace and security. It was a shining ex..
Faces of Terrorism in Bangladesh
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This volume consists of 26 columns published earlier in various leading dailies between the years 20..
Francis Buchanan in Southeast Bengal (1798): His Journey to Chittagong, the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Noakhali and Comilla
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The development history of Bangladesh is marked by fluctuations, turn-abouts and decelerations. To u..
From East Bengal to Bangladesh: Dynamics and Perspectives
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ROAD TO BANGLADESH SERIES is designed to present published accounts of the background to the emerg..
Gendered Lives, Livelihood and Transformation: The Bangladesh Context
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Agriculture was once the basis of the socio-economic structure of Bangladesh, but in the last fort..
Gresham's Law Syndrome and Beyond
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Bangladesh has witnessed a continuous regress in governance since her birth in 1971. The flouting of..