
The Emergence Of Bangladesh - Part One (1947-1958)

Price: U$40.00
Publisher: Bangala Gobeshona
Authors: Badruddin Umor (Author)
Edition: 1st
Year: 2020
ISBN: 9789849430728
Page: 390
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Product Code: 9005988
Availability: In Stock
Condition: New Book, Never used
  • contemporary East Bengal, the most vibrant era of our political history had worked as a baseline for the freedom we achieved in 1971. The labour class, the peasantry and other oppressed people played vital role in those days. Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani leaded the progressive movements, bade West Pakistan goodbye and fought against imperialism and their partners and agents who were protecting the interests of the ruling bourgeoisie. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's victory with absolute majority in the general election of 1970 leads us towards the independence. The Emergence of Bangladesh depicts how Bangladesh was born with a great language by a great mastermind. Now a days history is being withdrawn from history. In this context, it is one of the best book to find out the real history of the emergence of Bangladesh.

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